Well, now coming to the real crux of this post: I what ways can HR take responsibility of the employees safety and thus increase their effectiveness and work satisfaction. When an employee feels he / she is not safe physically this does create pressure from family and in turn tensions. The most important aim of workplace safety is to protect the most valuable assets of an organisation "THE HUMAN RESOURCE".
The HR department can take care of this aspect and make employees fear-free and risk free in terms of providing them a safe work place and safer transportation during wee hours.
- Providing reliable and safe accommodation- if not provided at least information on such available near the company location.
- Providing transportation with security personnel appointed after thorough background check along with continuous and vigilant followup.
- Proper communication channels in case of any security related issues- Employees should be alerted on the contact numbers and persons who are responsible for safety and security so that they can be reached in emergencies.
- Regular and strict monitoring of the safety measures undertaken.
- Proper education of all employees in terms of safety and security measures.
- Surveillance- proper surveillance and vigilant monitoring can also keep a lot of safety problems at bay.
- And most of all abiding by the rules and regulations put forth by the central and state governments in terms of employee safety. ( I've heard many companies utilizing fire-exits as storage spaces, hiring private vehicles for employee transportation- a little more effort can actually avoid big tragedies)
Please write in what are the various safety measures that your organizations follow or if you have any new ideas please do share it so that all of us can broaden our knowledge in this matter.
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